Derby Hacked Computer FP53U v1.0

Derby Wiring Solutions
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This computer has the tune, settings, and code modified for demo derby use to help keep your engine running as long as possible. It prevents limp mode and other issues for your derby car.



  • O2 sensors disabled (disconnect)
  • EGR disabled
  • Engine immobilier (security/PATS) disabled
  • Torque Limiting Disabled
  • Several Limp Modes Disabled
  • Trans hard coded to always be in 1st gear
  • MAF disabled in code
    • Keep MAF plugged in for the air temp sensor reading (runs better)
    • MAF does not need to be hooked to intake tubing
    • Can remove MAF from the housing/tubing to make it smaller
    • If MAF is disconnected, the air temp sensor fails to 100F
  • Custom code to use a 1997-2001 Toyota Camry 4cyl MAP sensor as a Barometric pressure sensor
    • MAP sensor SKP SKAS52 included (Chinese made but works)
    • Can swap out with a stock Camry one for a higher quality sensor.
  • Raised idle RPM
  • Knock Sensors disabled


Required Sensors

  • Coolant Temp Sensor
  • Crank Sensor
  • Ignition Coil Pack
  • Injectors
  • TPS (main input to computer for tune)
  • Fuel Pressure Sensor (on fuel rail)
  • IAC (for idle control)


Optional Sensors

  • MAF - Should keep this plugged in for the air intake temp sensor but will run without. Actual MAF is disabled in the code.
  • Barometric Pressure (via MAP) - Power harness should be used with this computer, however if disconnected the tune fail safes to a value around 800ft elevation.
  • Cam Sensor - Should make it run slightly better if kept stock
  • Transmission Shift Solenoids - To get 1st gear using the computer, you'll want to keep this hooked up, Can hot wire seperately if you want.



  • 2000-2007 Ford Taurus (3.0L 2 valve, 8th VIN U)
  • 2000-2005 Mercury Sable (3.0L 2 valve, 8th VIN U)

Note: 04-07 Taurus I haven't tested, but the harness pinouts are the same. If the injectors, MAF, intake, etc changed then the tune could be off for those years. Testing was performed on a 2003 Taurus.

Note2: This computer will run a car even with out the power harness using the stock wiring, good for testing if a vehicle runs or not. Barometic pressure will be on a fail safe value and starter might have to be hot wired to function. Stock fuel pump control via fuel pump module should work as normal.

Fuel System

These cars have a unique fuel system design. Simply put the fuel pump module controls the fuel pump (max 80% duty cycle) which controls the fuel pressure. Since there's a fuel pressure sensor on the fuel rail, you can hot wire the fuel pump and the computer will offset the fueling to be pretty accurate. On my test car it ran at 82 PSI which is quite high. I suggest for the health of the pump and to run better, run a normal pump (EFI v8, E2000, 97+ Camry, etc) and add in an inline fuel pressure regulator with a return line going back to the tank and adjust the fuel pressure to be 50-65psi. The fuel flow from the fuel regulator will help cool the fuel pump for a longer life and the computer's tune was designed for this fuel pressure range so it should be the most accurate when setup this way aka run the best.


If you run into any issues with the tune or things causing you issues, please let me know so I can see about updating the tune to work things out better.


Tune Version Identification

I have modified the code to show the version number over OBD2 as the air intake temp sensor reading in Celceus, aka 10C means v1.0. If your scanner can read the VIN or calibration data, I have also added data there as well, see the Change Log at the bottom of this page for more details.



You can have your derby hacked computer updated to a newer version for $25 + return shipping.


Change Log


  • VIN: 1FAFP53U0Y0200010
  • Strategy: FP53U10.HEX
  • Calibration: FP53U10
  • Air Temp: 10C (50F)

Initial tune base.