ECU-4A + ENG-6B + L57A Power Harness

Derby Wiring Solutions
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This harness is effectively a power adapter to convert your stock engine harness into a stand alone harness. All other stock wiring gets disconnected from the engine harness including the fuse boxes. One of the connectors are modified to fit into the engine harness connector, a zip tie around it once connected would be a good idea so it can't pull apart.


  • Starter hotwired*
  • Fuel pump hotwired*
  • Ignition hotwired (Power Harness)
  • No immo (wires missing, see photo)

* Pinout info for accessories can be found on the derby specs page.

Immo Identification

  • 6 Coil - Wires for immo need to be missing in the 2nd from top connector (end with the smaller connector) - see images

We can flash your computer to immo off or you can use a modded/tuned computer. A DIY work around would be to source a comptuer from the same model of car that is factory immo off.


  • 2000-2004 Toyota Avalon